General terms and conditions & Privacy Policy

Company details

Name: Crystallight33 Production Ltd.
Seat: 1113 Budapest, Bartók Béla St.. 103. 3. 1. Floor (Hungary)
Tax number: HU29158597
EUID: HUOCCSZ.01-09-288242


General terms and conditions (GTN)

Date of approval: 11. 11. 2021.


Welcome to our website! Thank you for trusting us with your purchase!
The current web shop GTN was created with Fogyasztó Barát AFSZ generator.
If you have any questions about these General Terms and Conditions, the use of the website, individual products, the purchase process, or if you would like to discuss your specific needs with us, please contact our staff at the contact details provided.

Imprint: Details of the Service Provider (Seller, Company)

Name: Crystallight33 Production Ltd.
Seat: 1113 Budapest, Bartók Béla St.. 103. 3. 1. Floor (Hungary)
Mailing address: 1113 Budapest, Bartók Béla St.. 103. 3. 1. Floor (Hungary)
Registering authority: Metropolitan Court
Company registration number: 01-09-381424
Tax number: HU29158597, 29158597-1-43
EUID: HUOCCSZ.01-09-288242
Representative: Dr. Vaktor Orsolya
Bank account number: 11711065-21451542-00000000
IBAN: HU15117110652145154200000000

Details of hosting provider

Name: MAXER Hosting Ltd.
Adress: 9021 Győr, Arany János St. 31. (Hungary)
Web page: +36 (1) 257 9913


Sides: Both seller and buyer
Consumer: occupation, a natural person acting outside her/his trade, profession or business
Consumer contract: a contract in which one of the subjects is considered a consumer
Web page: the current web page, which is used to conclude the contract
Contract: a contract of sale between the seller and the buyer using the website and electronic mail
A device that allows communications between absentees: an instrument capable of making a contractual declaration in the absence of the parties with a view to concluding a contract. Such means include, in particular, the addressee or unaddressed form, the standard letter, the advertisement published in the press product with the order form, the catalog, the telephone, the fax and the means of providing Internet access.

Contract between absentees: a consumer contract, which is concluded in the context of a distance selling system, organized for the provision of a contract product or service without the simultaneous physical presence of the parties, by the parties using only a means of communication in absentia for concluding the contract
Product: all marketable movable property offered by the Website and intended for sale on the Website, which is the subject of the Contract
Company: a person pursuing a trade, profession or business
Buyer/you: the person concluding the contract making a purchase offer through the Website
Warranty: In the case of contracts concluded between a consumer and a business (hereinafter: consumer contract) in accordance with the Civil Code,

1. a guarantee given for the performance of the contract, which the undertaking voluntarily undertakes for the proper performance of the contract in addition to or in the absence of its legal obligation, also
2. statutory warranty

Relevant legislation

The provisions of Hungarian law shall govern the Contract, and in particular the following legislation shall apply:

• 1997 CLV. Consumer Protection Act
• CVIII of 2001 Act on Certain Issues of Electronic Commerce Services and Information Society Services Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code
• 151/2003. (IX.22.) On the mandatory guarantee for durable consumer goods
• 45/2014. (II.26.) On the detailed rules of contracts between consumers and businesses 19/2014.
• (IV.29.) NGM Decree on the procedural rules for the handling of warranty and guarantee claims for things sold under a contract between a consumer and a business
• 1999 LXXVI. Copyright Act
• 2011 CXX. Act on the Right to Information Self-Determination and Freedom of Information
• REGULATION (EU) 2018/302 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 28 February 2018 on taking action against unjustified territorial restrictions and other forms of discrimination based on the nationality, place of residence or establishment of the buyer in the internal market and
• Amending Regulations (EC) No 2006/2004 and (EU) 2017/2394 and Directive 2009/22 / EC
• REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) No 95/46 data protection regulation)

Scope and acceptance of the GTC

The content of the contract concluded between us – in addition to the provisions of the relevant binding legal regulations – is determined by these General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter: GTC). Accordingly, these GTC contain the rights and obligations of you and us, the conditions of concluding the contract, the terms of performance, the conditions of delivery and payment, the rules of liability, and the conditions of exercising the right of withdrawal.
The technical information required for the use of the Website, which is not included in these GTC, is provided by other information available on the Website.
You must familiarize yourself with the provisions of these GTC before finalizing your order.

Form and language of the contract

The language of the contracts covered by this GTC is English.
Contracts falling within the scope of these GTC do not qualify as written contracts; the Seller does not file them.


Our company uses electronic invoices according to the 2007 CXXVII. Section 175 of the Act. By accepting these GTC, you give your consent to the use of the electronic invoice.


The prices are currently in American dollar. The Seller is subject to VAT-free sales, so the prices do not include VAT. Prices are for information only. It cannot be ruled out that the Seller may change the prices for business policy reasons. Price changes do not apply to contracts already concluded. If the Seller has indicated the price incorrectly, in the case of contracts already concluded, it shall act based on the “Procedure incorrect price” clause of the GTC.

Procedure in case of incorrect price

The following are considered to be obviously incorrectly indicated prices:

• 0ft Price
• the price reduced by the discount but incorrectly indicating the discount (eg in the case of a product with a HUF 1,000 price, the product offered for HUF 500 with the indication of the 20% discount).

In case of indicating an incorrect price, the Seller offers the possibility to purchase the product at a fair price, in the possession of which the Buyer may decide to order the product at a fair price or cancel the order without any adverse legal consequences.

Complaints handling and enforcement options

The consumer may submit consumer complaints related to the product or the Seller’s activities at the following contact details:

• Internet address:
• E-Mail:

The consumer can tell us their complaints about the company in writing or word, relating to the conduct, activity or omission of the undertaking or of a person acting in the interest of the undertaking in connection with the distribution or sale of the goods to consumers.
Verbal complaints must be reviewed immediately by the company, and must be remedied accordingly. If the consumer does not agree with the handling of the complaint or it is not possible to investigate the complaint immediately, the business shall immediately take minutes of the complaint and its position and provide a copy to the consumer on the spot in the event of a verbal complaint. In the case of a verbal complaint communicated by telephone or other electronic communications service, the consumer shall be sent no later than 30 days at the same time as the substantive response, in accordance with the requirements for replying to a written complaint. In other respects, you are required to proceed with the written complaint as follows. The undertaking shall reply to the written complaint in writing and take action to communicate it within thirty days of its receipt, unless otherwise provided by a directly applicable act of the European Union. Law, a longer deadline by law, may establish a shorter deadline. The undertaking must give reasons for its position rejecting the complaint. An oral complaint communicated by telephone or electronic communication service must be provided with a unique identification number.

The record of the complaint must include the following:

1. name and address of the costumer
2. place, date and mode of the complaint
3. precise description of the complaint, documents presented by the consumer, a list of documents and other evidence,
4. a statement by the business of its position on the consumer’s complaint, where it is possible to investigate the complaint immediately,
5. the signature of the person who wrote the report and with the exception of a verbal complaint made by phone or other electronic means, by the consumer,
6. place and time of the writing of the report
7. in the case of a verbal complaint communicated by telephone or other electronic communications service, the unique identification number of the complaint

The company must keep a record of the complaint and a copy of the reply for three years and present it to the inspection authorities on request.
If the complaint is rejected, the business must inform the consumer in writing which authority or conciliation body may initiate the complaint with its complaint. The information shall also include the registered office, telephone and internet contact details and postal address of the competent authority or of the conciliation body of the consumer’s domicile or residence. The information shall also include whether the business has recourse to a conciliation panel procedure to resolve a consumer dispute. If any consumer dispute between the Seller and the consumer is not settled during the negotiations, the following enforcement options are open to the consumer:

Consumer protection procedure
Complaints to consumer protection authorities. If you notice a violation of the consumer’s consumer rights, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent consumer protection authority of your place of residence. Following the assessment of the complaint, the authority shall decide on the conduct of the consumer protection proceedings. The first-level consumer protection official tasks are performed by the capital city and county government offices competent according to the consumer’s place of residence, the list of which can be found here:

Judicial proceeding
The customer is entitled to enforce his claim arising from a consumer dispute in court in the framework of civil proceedings pursuant to Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code and Act CXXX of 2016 on the Code of Civil Procedure. in accordance with the provisions of this Act.

Conciliation panel proceedings
We would like to inform you that you can file a consumer complaint against us. If your consumer complaint is rejected, you are also entitled to apply to the Conciliation Body competent for your place of residence or stay: the condition for initiating the Conciliation Body’s proceedings is that the consumer directly seeks to resolve the dispute with the business concerned. At the request of the consumer, the conciliation body designated in the consumer’s request shall be competent for the procedure, instead of the competent body.
The company has a duty to cooperate in the conciliation panel proceedings.
In this context, there is an obligation for undertakings to send a reply to the Conciliation Body’s call and an obligation to appear before the Conciliation Body (“ensuring the participation of the person authorized to reach an agreement at the hearing”).
If the registered office or premises of the company are not registered in the county of the chamber operating the territorially competent conciliation body, the obligation of the company to cooperate extends to offering the possibility of concluding a written agreement according to the needs of the consumer.
In the event of a breach of the above obligation to cooperate, the consumer protection authority has the power to impose mandatory fines in the event of infringing conduct by undertakings as a result of a change in legislation, and there is no possibility of waiving fines. In addition to the Consumer Protection Act, the relevant provision of the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Act has also been amended, so that the imposition of fines will not be waived in the case of small and medium-sized enterprises either.

The amount of the fine may range from HUF 15,000 to HUF 500,000 in the case of small and medium-sized enterprises, while from HUF 15,000 in the case of non-small and medium-sized enterprises with annual net sales exceeding HUF 100 million, 5% of the company’s annual net sales. but up to HUF 500 million. By introducing a mandatory fine, the legislator aims to emphasize cooperation with conciliation bodies and to ensure the active participation of undertakings in conciliation proceedings.
The Conciliation Body is responsible for resolving consumer disputes out of court. The task of the conciliation body is to try to reach an agreement between the parties in order to settle the consumer dispute, failing which it will decide the matter in order to ensure simple, fast, efficient and cost-effective enforcement of consumer rights. At the request of the consumer or the business, the conciliation body shall provide advice on the consumer’s rights and obligations.
The conciliation body’s proceedings are initiated at the consumer’s request. The request shall be made in writing to the chair of the conciliation body: the written requirement may be complied with by letter, telegram, telegraph or fax, as well as by any other means that allows the recipient to keep the data addressed to him permanently for the purpose of the data. , and the display of the stored data in an unchanged form and content. The application must include

a) name, address or residence of a consumer
b) the name, registered office or registered office of the business involved in the consumer dispute,
c) if the consumer designates the competent body instead of the competent conciliation body,
d) a brief description of the consumers position, the facts and evidence supporting it
e) a statement by the consumer that the consumer has made a direct attempt to resolve the dispute with the business concerned
f) a statement by the consumer that no other conciliation body has initiated proceedings in the case, no mediation proceedings have been initiated, no claim has been lodged or no application for a payment order has been lodged,
g) the motion for a decision of the panel,
h) the signature of the consumer

The application must be accompanied by a document or a copy (extract) of which the consumer refers to as evidence, in particular a written statement by the business rejecting the complaint or, failing that, any other written evidence available to the consumer to attempt the required consultation.
If the consumer acts through a proxy, the proxy must be attached to the application.
More information on the Conciliation Bodies is available here:
More information on the territorially competent Conciliation Bodies is available here:
Contact details of each territorially competent Conciliation Body: 

Baranya Megyei Békéltető Testület
Address: 7625 Pécs, Majorossy I. u. 36.
Phone number: 06-72-507-154
Fax: 06-72-507-152

Bács-Kiskun Megyei Békéltető Testület
Address: 6000 Kecskemét, Árpád krt. 4.
Phone number: 06-76-501-500; 06-76-501-525, 06-76-501-523
Fax: 06-76-501-538

Békés Megyei Békéltető Testület
Address: 5600 Békéscsaba, Penza ltp. 5.
Phone number: 06-66-324-976
Fax: 06-66-324-976

Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén Megyei Békéltető Testület
Address: 3525 Miskolc, Szentpáli u. 1.
Phone number:06-46-501-091;06-46-501-870
Fax: 06-46-501-099

Budapesti Békéltető Testület
Address: 1016 Budapest, Krisztina krt. 99. I. em. 111.
Phone number: 06-1-488-2131

Csongrád-Csanád Megyei Békéltető Testület
Address: 6721 Szeged, Párizsi krt. 8-12.
Phone number: 06-62-554-250/118
Fax: 06-62-426-149

Privacy Policy (General Data Protection Regulation)

Date of approval: 11. 11. 2021.

Data controller

Name: Crystallight33 Production Ltd.
Adress: 1113 Budapest, Bartók Béla St.. 103. 3. 1. Floor (Hungary)
Mailing address,
complaint handing:
1113 Budapest, Bartók Béla St.. 103. 3. 1. Floor (Hungary)
Tax number: HU29158597
EUID: HUOCCSZ.01-09-288242

Storage provider

Name: MAXER Hosting Ltd.
Address: 9021 Győr, Arany János St. 31. (Hungary)
Phone Number: +36 (1) 257 9913

Description of data management performed during the operation on the use of cookies

What is a cookie?

The Data Controller uses so-called cookies when visiting the website. The cookie consists of letters and numbers that our website sends to your browser in order to save certain parts of your settings. This facilitates the use of our website and contributes to the collection of some relevant, statistical information about our visitors.
Some cookies do not contain personal information and are not suitable for identifying an individual user but some contain a unique identifier-a secret, randomly generated sequence of numbers stored by your device thus ensuring your identification. The operating period of each cookie is described in the relevant description of each cookie.
The Legal background and legal basis of cookies:
The legal basis for data processing under Article 6 (1) (a) of the Regulation is your consent.
The main features of the cookies used by the website are:

Data processed for contracting and performance purposes

For the signing and fulfilment of a contract, several data management cases may be implemented. We would like to inform you that data processing regarding complaint handling, warranty transmission will only take place if you exercise one of these rights.
If you do not make a purchase through the webshop, you are only a visitor to the webshop, then what is written in the data management for marketing purposes may apply to you, if you give us consent for marketing purposes.
Date management for signing and fulfillment of a contract in more detail:


For example if you contact us by email, contact form or phone with questions about a product. Pre-contact is not obligatory, even without this you can order from the webshop at any time.

Managed data
The information provided by you during the contract

The duration of data management
To make administration easier, we only store data for a maximum of 5 years.

Legal basis of data management
Your voluntary consent, which you provide to the Data Controller by contacting us [Data processing pursuant to Article 6 (1) (a) of the regulation]

Registration on the Webpage

By storing the data provided during registration, the Data Controller can provide a more convenient service (for example your affected data does not have to be entered again when making a new purchase). Registration is not a condition for signing a contract.

Managed data
During data management, the Data Controller manages your name, address, phone number, e-mail address, the characteristics of the purchased product and the date of the purchase.

Duration of data management
Until the withdrawal of your consent.

The legal basis of data management
Your voluntary consent, which you provide to the Data Controller registering [Data processing pursuant to Article 6 (1) (a) of the regulation]

Order processing

During the processing of orders, data management activities are required in order to fulfill the contract.

Managed data
During data management, the Data Controller manages your name, address, phone number, e-mail address, the characteristics of the purchased product and the date of the purchase.
If you have placed and order in the webshop, data management and the provision of data is essential for the fulfillment of the contract.

Duration of data management
The data is managed for 5 years according to the civil law limitation period.

Legal basis of data management
Fulfillment of the contract. [Data processing pursuant to Article 6 (1) (b) of the Regulation]

Exposition of the invoice

The data management process is carried out in order to issue an invoice in accordance with the law and fulfill the obligation to keep accounting documents. The Stv. Pursuant to Section 169 (1)-(2), companies must keep the accounting document directly and indirectly supporting the accounting records.

Managed data
Name, address, e-mail address, phone number

Duration of data management
The issued invoices must be preserved for 8 years after being issued according to the Stv. 169 (2).

Legal basis of data management
Act CXXVII of 2007 on Value Added Tax pursuant to Section 159 (1), the issue of an invoice is mandatory and must be kept for 8 years pursuant to Section 169 (2) of Act C of 2000 on Accounting [Data Management pursuant to Article 6 (1) (c) of the Decree]

Handling of other consumer complaints

The data management process is in place in order to handle consumer complaints. If you have made a complaint to us, data management and the provision of data is essential.

Managed data
Costumers name, phone number, e-mail address, contents of the complaint

Duration of data management
Warranty claims are preserved for 3 years under the Consumer Protection Act.

Legal basis of data management
Whether you contact us about your complaint is your voluntary decision, however, if u do contact us, according to the 1997 CLV on Consumer Protection. Act 17/A § (7) we are obliged to keep the complaint for 5 years [data processing according to Article 6 (1) (c) of the Decree].

Data processed in relations to the verifiability of consent

During registration, ordering and subscribing to the newsletter, the IT system stores the IT data related to the consent for later proof.

Managed data
Time and date of consent and the affected IP address.

Duration of data management
Due to legal requirements, the consent must be able to be verified later, therefore data will be stored for the limitation period after the termination of the data processing.

Legal basis of data management
Article 7 (1) of the Regulation provides for this obligation. [Data processing pursuant to Article 6 (1) (c) of the Regulation]

Data management for marketing purposes Data management related to the sending of newsletters

The data management process id done in order to send out newsletters.

Managed data
Name, e-mail address

Duration of data management
Until the withdrawal of the data subject’s consent.

Legal basis of data management
Your voluntary consent, which you provide to the Data Controller by subscribing to the newsletter [Article 6 of the Regulation processing of data pursuant to Article 1 (1) (a)]

Further data management

If the Data Controller wishes to perform further data processing, it shall provide preliminary information on the essential circumstances of the data management (legal background and legal basis of data management, purpose of data management, scope of data processed and duration of data management)
We would like to inform you that the Data Controller must comply with the written data requests of the authorities based on legal authorization. The Data Controller informs about the data transfers in the Infotv. In accordance with Section 15 (2) (3), it keeps records (to which authority, what personal data, on what legal basis when was transmitted by the Data Controller), the content of which the Data Controller provides on request, unless its disclosure is excluded by law.

Recipients of personal data Data processing for the storage of personal data

Name of the data processor: MAXER Hosting Ltd.
Contact of the data processor:
Seat: 9024 Győr, Répce St. 24. (Hungary)
E-mail address:
Phone Number: +36 (1) 257 9913

The Data Processor stores personal data based on a contract concluded with the Data Controller. It is not entitled to access personal data.

Data processing activities related to newsletters

Name of the company operating the newsletter sending system: Mailer Lite
Seat of the company operating the newsletter sending system: Ground Floor, 71 Lower Baggot St. Dublin 2, D02 P593 (Ireland)
Phone number of the company operating the newsletter sending system:
E-Mail address of the company operating the newsletter sending system:
Webpage of the company operating the newsletter sending system:
The Data Processor participates in the sending of newsletters based on a contract concluded with Data Controller. In doing so, the Data Processor manages the name and e-mail address of the data subject to the extent necessary for the sending the newsletter.

Data management pertaining to accounting

Name of the data processor: Gyémánt Fény Akadémia Bt.
Seat of the data processor: 1113 Budapest, Bartók Béla St. 103. 3/1 (Hungary)
Phone number of the data processor: +36/20/111-1111
E-Mail address of the data processor:
Webpage of the data processor:
The Data Processor participates in the accounting of the accounting documents based on a written contract concluded with the Data Manager. While doing so, the data processor shall manage the name and address of the data subject to the extent necessary for the accounting records, in accordance with the provision of the Act, section 169 (2), after which it will be erased immediately.

Data processing pertaining to invoicing

Name of the data processor: Kft. (számlá
Seat of the data processor: 1031 Budapest, Záhony St. 7/C (Hungary)
Phone number of the data processor: +36/30/354-4789
E-Mail address of the data processor:
Webpage of the data processor:
The Data Processor participates in the registration of accounting documents based on a contract concluded with the Data Controller. While doing so, the data processor shall manage the name and address of the data subject to the extent necessary for the accounting records, in accordance with the provision of the Act, section 169 (2), after which it will be erased immediately.

Payment-related data management

Name of the data processor: OTP Mobil Kft. (OTP Group)
Seat of the data processor: 1143 Budapest, Hungária krt. 17-19. (Hungary)
Phone number of the data processor: +36 (1) 3-666-611
E-Mail address of the data processor:
Webpage of the data processor:

The Simple Online Payment System has been developed and operated by OTP Mobil Kft. OTP Mobil Kft is a member of the OTP Group.

Simple is a straightforward and secure payment solution for online purchases. Our customers can make their payment through the Simple interface.

This payment process is the same as those offered by other banks as part of a similar service. Simple monitors transactions throughout the service to ensure the safety of the user and cardholder and helps to prevent unexpected events.


  1. Click “Payment” to be transferred to the Simple page, where you can enter your bank card details to start the transaction.
  2. Once you have entered your card details, kindly check that they are correct.
  3. The bank’s processing system starts your transaction.
  4. You will also be notified of the payment result in e-mail, and Simple will redirect you to the webshop.

For more information:

When choosing card payment, you automatically accept SimplePay’s data transfer statement:

“I acknowledge that the following personal data stored by the data controller Kristályfény33 Ltd. (H-1113 Budapest, Bartók Béla St. 103. 3. em. 1. Hungary) in the user database of will be transferred to OTP Mobil Ltd. as data processor: name, address, e-mail address, telephone number. The nature and purpose of the data processing carried out by the data processor can be found in the SimplePay Data Processing Information at the following link: *”

Processing of an order

The Kisalföld Marketing Ltd. tends to the processing and checking of the orders, as well as the tasks of the system administrator and system operation, if a problem/mistake occurs it offers technical assistance. The Kisalföld Marketing Ltd. manages the following data:

Name, address, phone number, e-mail address of the customer as well as the details of the purchase and transaction.

Company name: Kisalföld Marketing Ltd.
Seat: 9024 Győr, Zrínyi utca 8/A. (Hungary)
Phone number: +36/20/466-7000

Your rights during data management

Within the duration of data processing, you have the following rights in accordance with the provisions of the Decree:

• the right to withdraw consent
• access to personal data and data management information
• right of rectification, restriction of data processing, right of cancellation, right of objection
• right to portability

If you would like to exercise your rights, it involves your identification and the Data Controller must communicate with you. Therefore, in order to be identified, it will be necessary to provide personal data (but the identification can only be based on data that the Data Controller manages about you anyway), as well as Your data management complaint will be available in your data controller’s email account within the time specified in this information regarding complaints. If you have been our customer and would like to identify yourself for complaint or warranty purposes, please also provide your order ID for identification. Using this we can identify you as a costumer.
The Data Manager responds to complaints regarding to data management within 30 days.

The right to withdraw consent
You have the right to withdraw your consent given for data management at any time, in this case we erase all given data from our system. However please consider that, in case of a not completed order, withdraw could resort with the consequence that we cannot complete your shipment. In addition, if the purchase has already been made, we will not be able to delete your billing information from our systems in accordance with the accounting rules, and if you owe us, we may process your information in the event of withdrawal of consent based on a legitimate interest in recovering the claim.

Access to personal data
You have the right to receive feedback from the Data Manager, whether your personal data is being managed, if it is being managed, you have the right to:

• gain access to the personal data being processed and to be informed by the Data Manager about the following:

o the goal of data management
o the categories of Your managed personal information
o information on the recipients or categories of recipients with whom the personal data have been or will be communicated by the Data Controller
o your right to request the Data Controller to rectify, delete or restrict the processing of personal data concerning you and to object to the processing of such personal data in the event of data processing based on a legitimate interest; the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority
o If the information wasn’t submitted by You, every information about the source; is automated
o decision making about the fact (if You have used such method), meaning the creation of the profile, or in each case, understandable information about the logic used and the significance of such data processing and the expected consequences for you.

The purpose of exercising the right may be to establish and verify the lawfulness of the data processing; therefore, in case of repeated requests for information, the Data Controller may charge a fair fee for the provision of the information.
The Data Controller ensures access to personal data by sending you the processed personal data and information by e-mail after your identification. If you have a registration, we will provide access so that you can view and verify the personal information we manage about you by logging into your user account.

Please indicate in your request whether you are requesting access to personal data or requesting data management information.

Right to rectification

You have the right that upon a request the Data Manager will instantly correct inaccurate personal information about you.

Right to restrict data processing
You have the right that upon a request the Data Manager will restrict data management, if any of the following is true:

• If you argue the accuracy of personal data, in this case, the restriction only lasts as long as the Data Manager checks the accuracy of the personal data, if the accurate data can be determined immediately, there will be no restrictions.
• If the data management is illicit, but you object the erasure of the data for any reason (for example because the data is important to you in enforcing a legal claim) so you don’t request the erasure of the data rather request the restriction of their usage,
• The Data Controller no longer needs the personal data for the purpose of the specified data processing, but you request them in order to submit, enforce or protect legal claims; or
• You have objected to the data processing, but the data controller’s legitimate interest may also justify the data processing, in which case until the data controller’s legitimate reasons take precedence over your legitimate reasons, the data processing must be restricted.

If the data management falls under restriction, such personal data may be processed, with the exception of storage, only with the consent of the data subject or for the purpose of bringing, enforcing or protecting legal claims or protecting the rights of another natural or legal person or in the important public interest of the Union or a Member State.
The Data Manager will inform you in advance (at least 3 workdays before the lifting of the restriction) of the lifting of the data management restriction.

Right of cancellation

You have the right to have the Data Manager delete your personal data without undue delay if any of the following reasons are true:

• The personal data is no longer needed for the reason it was requested by the Data Manager or it was managed differently;
• You withdrew your consent and the data management has no other legal basis,
• You object to the processing of data based on a legitimate interest and there is no overriding legitimate reason (ie a legitimate interest) in the processing of the data,
• The personal data was processed unlawfully by the Data Controller and this was established on the basis of the complaint,
• Personal data must be deleted in order to fulfill a legal obligation under Union or Member State law applicable to the Data Controller

If, for any lawful reason, the Data Manager has disclosed personal data processed about you and is obliged to delete it for any of the reasons set out above, it shall take reasonable steps, including technical measures, to inform the data, taking into account available technology and implementation costs. Other data controllers that you have requested the deletion of the links to the personal data in question or of a copy or duplicate of this personal data. Deletion does not apply if data management is required:

• To exercise the right to freedom of expression and information
• compliance with the obligation under EU or Member State law applicable to the controller to process personal data (such as data processing in the context of invoicing, as the retention of the account is required by law), or for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller;
• to submit, enforce or protect legal claims (eg if the Data Controller has a claim against you and has not yet fulfilled it, or a consumer or data processing complaint is being processed).

Right of objection

You have the right to object at any time for reasons related to your situation to the processing of your personal data based on a legitimate interest. In this case, the Data Manager may not further process the personal data, unless it proves that the data processing is justified by compelling legitimate reasons which take precedence over your interests, rights and freedoms, or which are related to the submission, enforcement or protection of legal claims.

If your personal data is processed for the purpose of direct business acquisition, you have the right to object at any time to the processing of personal data concerning you for this purpose, including profiling, insofar as it relates to direct business acquisition. If you object to the processing of personal data for the purpose of direct business acquisition, the personal data may no longer be processed for this purpose.

Right to portability

If the data processing is carried out automatically or if the data processing is based on your voluntary consent, you have the right to ask the Data Manager to receive the data provided by you to the Data Controller, which the Data Manager provides to you in xml, JSON or csv format. If this is technically feasible, it may request that the Data Manager transfer the data in this form to another data manager.

Automated decision-making

You have the right not to be covered by a decision (including profiling) based solely on automated data processing that would have legal effect on you or affect you to a similar extent. In such cases, the Data Manager shall take appropriate measures to protect the data subject’s rights, freedoms and legitimate interests, including at least the data subject’s right to request human intervention on the part of the Data Manager, to express his or her views and to object to the decision.

The above does not apply in the case of a decision:

• Necessary for the conclusion or fulfillment of a contract between you and the data manager;
• EU or Member State law applicable to the controller, which also lays down appropriate measures to protect your rights and freedoms and legitimate interests; or
• It’s based on your consent

Data-security measures 

The Data Manager declares that it has taken appropriate security measures to protect personal data against unauthorized access, alteration, transmission, disclosure, deletion or destruction, as well as accidental destruction and damage, and becoming inaccessible due to changes in the technology used.
The Data Manager will do everything in its power to ensure that your data processors should also take appropriate data security measures when working with your personal data.


If you consider that the Data Manager has violated any legal provision on data processing or has not complied with any of its requests, the National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority may initiate an investigation procedure in order to terminate the alleged unlawful data processing (mailing address: 1363 Budapest, Pf. 9. e-mail:
We would also like to inform you that in case of violation of the legal provisions on data processing, or if the Data Manager has not complied with any of his / her requests, he / she may file a civil lawsuit against the Data Controller in court. 

Modification of data management information

The Data Manager reserves the right to amend this data management information in a manner that does not affect the purpose and legal basis of the data management. By using the website after the change takes effect, you accept the amended data management information.
If the Data Manager wishes to perform further data processing in connection with the collected data for a purpose other than the purpose of their collection, it shall inform you about the purpose of the data processing and the following information prior to the further data processing:

• the duration of the storage of personal data or, if that is not possible, the criteria for determining the duration; the right to request the Data Controller to access, rectify, delete or restrict the processing of personal data concerning you and to object to the processing of personal data in the case of data processing based on a legitimate interest, as well as to consent or a contractual relationship
may request the right to data portability in the case of data management based on:
• in the case of consent-based data processing, the right to withdraw your consent at any time, the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority;
• whether the provision of personal data is based on a law or a contractual obligation or a precondition for concluding a contract, and whether you are obliged to provide personal data, and what the possible consequences of non-disclosure may be; the fact of automated decision-making (if such a procedure has been used), including profiling, and, at least in these cases, understandable information about the logic used and the significance of such data processing and the expected consequences for you.

The data processing can only start after that, if the legal basis of the data processing is consent, in addition to the information, you must also consent to the data processing.

This document contains all relevant data management information related to the operation of the webshop in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of the European Union (hereinafter: the Regulation. GDPR) and the 2011 Data Protection Act.
CXII. TV. (hereinafter: Infotv.).